T.223 (7.7) George Walker, Anglo-Tyrannus, or the Idea of a Norman Monarch (3 December, 1650). Acount or Certificate of the Commissioners. Proposition to the Grand Commissioners of the Excise. T.222 (7.6) Anon., The Soap-makers Complaint for the losse of their Trade (24 September 1650). T.221 (7.5) Anon., The Humble Petition of divers well-affected People (31 August, 1650). T.220 (7.4) Marchamont Nedham, The Case of the Common-wealth of England stated (8 May, 1650). T.219 (7.3) Gerard Winstanley, An Appeale to all Englishmen (26 March, 1650). T.218 (7.2) Mary Stiff, The good Womens Cryes against the Excise of all their Commodities (4 January, 1650). T.217 (7.8) Gerrard Winstanley, An Humble Request, to the Ministers of both Universities (9 April, 1650). T.216 (7.1) Richard Hollingworth, An Exercitation concerning Usurped Powers (18 December, 1649/1650). Editor’s Introduction to Volume 7 (1650-60). Publishing and Biographical Information. Introductory Matter (to be added later). Summary of the Leveller Tracts Project. When a tract is composed of separate parts we indicate this where possible in the Table of Contents.
Where the text cannot be deciphered it is marked. As they are corrected against the facsimile version we indicate it with the date.
Some tracts have hundreds of illegible words and characters. Tracts which have not yet been corrected are indicated and the illegible words are marked as &illegible.Note: As corrections are made to the files, they will be made here first (the “Pages” section of the OLL ) and then when completed the entire volume will be added to the main OLL collection (the “Titles” section of the OLL).